Designing for Application Performance in Data Center: LACP, VMware LBT, and everything else.


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This is my hobby, one that I am paid handsomely. I design and automate networks, write software, support applications, and learn all I can to be successful in that regard for my customers benefit. You should read LACP and vSphere ESXi hosts: not a very good marriage first. Dennis Lefeber does a really wonderful job of providing the. VMware viewpoint. I agree with a lot of his rationale, however, I think his argument lacks some depth I would like to provide and in doing so may change your perspective on how your build data centers. As a part of this discussion, we will together dig into the specific benefits interface bonding provides both from a technical and business-case standpoint.

But first, for those with short attention spans who only came here for the short on LACP and LBT specific to the implementation with VMware:

  1. Increase application performance by decreasing application latency with high-speed (line-rate) interfaces at the switch-server interconnect.
  2. Use LBT or LACP for it’s true business use-case: rapid failover during a failure or maintenance activities, increasing the headroom for a given interface, and decreasing transmit time between the server and switch.
  3. Maximize your value to your customer (the company, application and other infrastructure groups, your peers, by knowing how to turn business-cases into technical implementations.
  4. Remember, one-size-fits-all results in big shirts on little people or big people in little shirts. Don’t be a hardline proponent or opponent of any technology, vendor, or view. Always seek to understand the opposing viewpoint as there is probably a use-case where that fits as well.

Best of luck to the channel changers. I appreciate the click and read. For the rest of you knowledge seekers, lets dig in.

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Observations in Design of Modern Fabrics

Eighteen months of planning, identifying candidate solutions, writing business and technology requirements, building test plans and finally testing hardware have transpired. We have successfully proven all fabrics tested have the capabilities we need. All tasks can be accomplished on all platforms, and all features, functions, and protocols required from a modern data center function appropriately for our usecases. This turns out to be quite a conundrum. In every architecture bake off I have previously participated in, there was usually a clear winner. There was a solitary product which clearly solved a majority of the business or technology problems and others that did not. For the first time we had four products, and all four solutions by any any technical measure go above and beyond our requirements.

We found ourselves in an odd place. We have to make and defend our decision. To do that, we need to actually determine how to qualify and quantify why we preferred our choice. And when asked what the differences were, it really came down to the philosophical approach each manufacturer took to solving higher level problems we face in the data center of tomorrow. I use tomorrow–not today–for good reason. Continue reading

CA Trust in FreeBSD

These are my notes on managing Trust in FreeBSD.

Predestined search paths for Trusted CA:


If the certificate can’t be found, fall back to OpenSSL’s default location.

And when it comes to your web-browser, fear not for certutil allows you to manage the nssdb:

certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t "CP,,CP" -n basename ${CA_TRUSTED_CERT} -i ${CA_TRUSTED_CERT}.pem

Converting p7b Files and Certificate Chains to PEM files: (common with MSAD CA)

View certificate contents:

openssl -pkcs7 -print_certs -in cert.p7b -inform der -text

Convert Certificate:

openssl -pkcs7 -printcerts -in cert.p7b -inform der -out cert.pem

Sizing your Internet/WAN Edge

The internet is getting faster and faster. I now have Gigabit Fiber delivered to within a foot of my home router. The carrier then is kind enough to provide a smart jack that converts the fiber delivery to a Gigabit Copper handoff.

More bandwidth is better right? Well kinda… Unfortunately, I hadn’t planned on one thing I am now much more vulnerable to denial of service attacks. Why is this an issue? Whats an engineer to do? Read on.. Continue reading

Cisco Auto-Provisioning Lab

So I have had need to quickly build a provisioning server for a lab to auto provision devices as they come online. This is the basic steps to accommodate this. Note there are far more complex and secure methods to utilizing something similar in production. Feel free to use this as a learning tool, but understand in a production environment, this is not recommended as critical pieces of information would be sent in clear text.

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fully dynamic fluxbox menu

I needed the ability to generate a menu dynamically in Fluxbox for various things that change on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a facility built into fluxbox to allow for this. So I spent some time and built a partially dynamic menu that updates with the click of an ‘update’ menu item at the root menu.

I was trying to come up with a good way for the menu to update on the fly. Since fluxbox simply reads a menu file (when you use the [include] function) I needed a file that when read, it returns a dynamic response and begins the process again. It’s not completely in time, but it at least refreshes on the fly. So what is a file that provides these properties?

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Execution Performance, Linguistics, Totalitarian Elitism, and of course Python: Language as a construct of action

I’m an elitist in the worst way sometimes, so this is probably the pot calling the kettle black. But I simply want to pose a question, that no doubt will spark great debate among a very divided culture:

Why does the coding style we use to imply organization of the characters in the document representing code need to be so explicitly tied to the keywords, syntax, semantics, operators, closure, and the most important part… the resulting libraries that make up the development environment we seek to develop within?

It’s always the same argument Braces and Semi’s versus Linguistic command flow.

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